
Invested in sustainability for good

We want future generations to benefit from what we are doing today.

Our work, investments and processes has environment, social and governance (ESG) considerations built firmly in our core. We are determined to support the firms we invest in to improve their corporate value and grow sustainability by putting ESG factors first in their businesses.

As a company, we influence and nurture a culture of people creating multiple impact in our workplaces, communities and the world we live in.


Invested in Sustainability

Read our latest Sustainability Report 2024

ESG in our investment strategies

See a repository of our diverse investment strategies and solutions across all our equity, fixed income, and multi-asset strategies.

Our responsibility as global citizens

Together, we leverage our investments of time, talent and treasures to improve our communities and the world for the long-term impact economy.

Committed to sustainability

Diversity and Inclusion

We are strong because we are diverse and inclusive. Our culture embraces people of different races, genders, ages, abilities, sexual orientations, and religions, and we appreciate the perspectives they bring.

Reducing Inequality

We want to do whatever we can to help others move forward in their lives and reduce inequalities in our world. As we give to charities and volunteer our time, we support vulnerable groups such as women, children, refugees, low-income families, and victims of human trafficking.

Environment and Climate

We constantly think about how to lessen the impact of our actions on the environment. We are involved in a number of projects to help tackle climate change, and we are always actively working to reduce our carbon footprint.

Sustainability insights by our thought leaders

Our investment professionals have valuable insights into ESG in investments. We regularly post their thought leadership articles and give updates on the latest sustainability-related developments that are happening at our firm.

Fiduciary & ESG Principles

Our fiduciary duty determines our values and actions. That means we are fully committed to meeting our clients’ needs while also carefully considering the interests of all our stakeholders. There is no question it is part of our fiduciary duty to take ESG principles into account in our investment decisions because these considerations are critical for a firm’s long-term value and sustainable economic growth.

We keep innovating and improving so that we always stay true to the spirit of fiduciary and ESG principles.

Learn more
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